请问It's better to do sth.和It's best to do sth.区别是什么?请问It's better to do sth.和It's best to d...
请问It's better to do sth.和It's best to do sth.区别是什么?
你已经可以看出区别来了,第一个better这么做更好,但是第二个best就是这么做最好一般其实是一个意思,但是如果非要讲区别,就是上策和上上策的区别例子It's a bad idea to give your girlfriend a toad for her birthDay. It's better to give her nothing. Yet it is best to buy her a necklace.你女朋友生日的时候送她一只蛤蟆是糟透了的想法。什么都不送还稍微好一点。但是送她项链的话当然最好如果还有问题可以找我~
到此,以上就是小编对于do it 爵士舞的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于do it 爵士舞的1点解答对大家有用。